How to modify and implement a better SSH login message

Table of contents

Introducing motd

It stands the "Message of the Day", and it shows after a successful login. Run man motd.tail to check more information about motd. To edit this message use a text editor:

vim /etc/motd

Customizing Bash Profile for enhanced welcome message

To make my command line experience more informative and visually appealing, I like to include details such as the current users logged in, system uptime, CPU usage, and disk statistics in my Bash profile. Here's how you can achieve that:

Open your Bash profile for editing:

vim ~/.bash_profile
w # Display uptime information and current users
echo "" # Create a space for better readability
df -h -x tmpfs -x udev # Display disk usage, excluding tmpfs and udev

Save and exit the file.

Now, when you log in via SSH, your welcome message will be more informative and visually appealing.

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I’m a passionate full-stack software engineer, architect and Debian lover.